Friday 1 April 2011

Rota Was Our Freedom

After Cadiz we headed back to Rota and that is where we spent the rest of our time. Rota is an army base and Marti's husband was returning the following day from the Congo after teaching the locals how to disarm bombs. So me as Sam spent some time on the beach together before we headed back to their place to begin decorating for Isaac's return. Marti and Issac are like the coolest peeps. They were the best hosts and we stayed up late playing games and laughing about really nothing.

This is their home.

This is us preparing the decorations. Sorry I am a little big creepy but decorating brings out a really beautiful, raw emotion inside of me.

And the beach seems to do the same for Sam. (Okay if Sam is going to pose like this for the camera he can't expect me not to post this for world to really see his talents.)

Part of our decorations, and the happy (woken-up early) couple, preparing to take us to the bus station. They rock. If you guys knew their story you would think they rock too.

Well good-bye to Andalusia, we will be back next week!


Christa said...

I love the last photo of you and Sam. Sam's hair looks like it's braided in the front...:) I want to go to the beach!

frederickdnelson said...

Hey sam sloppy shorts - nice thighs/fives

kim said...

I am so glad you got to know the wonderfulness that is Marti! Wish I was there:)